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Release, Relax, Unwind

My  —  


Ish Shah

Accredited member of:


I have been studying and teaching traditional Chinese martial arts for over 26 years. During this time I have grown to understand the benefits of a holistic approach to recovery and healing of the body. I have studied Qigong (Chi-Gong) and it's scientific relevance to the functions of the human body using both Chinese and Western logic.
Over the past years I have studied and developed my skills in Acupressure, Dry (Fire) & Wet (Hijama) Cupping, Cupping Massage, Reflexology, Auricology, Sports Massage, Gua Sha (Scraping Therapy) and Dit Da (Chinese Bone Setting/Adjustment).
Through my traditional Chinese martial arts background I have also developed my own unique formula of Dit Da Jow, translated as 'Fall Hit Wine', a Chinese medicinal rub that numbs pain and boosts circulation. Used for injuries, bruising, inflammation and general aches & pains.
I believe that the body should be treated as a whole, where one area may affect or offset another and that we should search for the source of the problem rather than treating the symptom. This enables a person to strengthen themselves internally and externally.
For more information regarding my Wing Chun background please visit my page: The School Of Wing Chun Kuen

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything.

- Lao Tzu 


Acupressure is an ancient Chinese method of unblocking vital points and meridians by using the hands, fingers and physical kinetic energy to press deep into the points over the body, stimulating them and enabling them to flow correctly. Using the same science as Acupuncture, Acupressure uses physical touch instead of needles.
Reflexology and Auricology are both micro-systems beneath the Acupressure umbrella. 
This method of manual therapy brings balance to the body and boosts mental and physical well being.
The role of Acupressure has been paramount in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is close to 5000 years old, and the fact that it is still in use today is a testimony to its effectiveness in the treatment of illness and pain. Acupressure predates Acupuncture by 2500 years and is essentially a method of sending a signal to the body (by needle or other means) to “turn on” its own self-healing or regulatory mechanisms. Normally, Qi (vital energy) circulates through natural pathways in the body called meridians. Blockage of this flow or an imbalance in yin and yang can cause illness and pain. Acupressure helps to correct functional imbalances and restore the flow thus returning the body to a more natural state of well-being.

Cupping is an ancient Chinese method of flooding blood to a localised area on the body. Cupping is often compared to a massage where instead of depressing the area, the area is vacuumed into the cup, lifting the tissue and drawing blood to stimulate that area.
Cupping can be used to massage or as point specific Dry Cupping and Wet Cupping, also known as Hijama.
Hijama enables the old, dense, congealed blood to be surgically drawn, clearing toxins, enabling greater circulation and promoting production of fresh blood cells.

Cupping can be used for stimulating the body, boosting collagen in the skin, flushing the lymphatic system, boosting the immune system as well as be used for rejuvenation and recovery.


Sports massage is a soft tissue and deep tissue method of massage involving multiple techniques catered towards physically active individuals who may undertake high and low intensity sports activities.
Sports massage can be used as part of a pre-event regime to boost performance, post-event treatment to relax and speed up recovery, or to restore and rehabilitate the body following injury.

Sports massage aims to help you regain your physical fitness whether it is a sports injury or any other form of musculoskeletal injury.


A unique method of treatment which combines various different methods of therapy catered to your individual needs. During an initial consultation, a physical assessment is carried out and the various different methods are discussed which I believe will help meet your needs.
I will use Acupressure, Dry/Fire Cupping, Hijama Cupping, Gua Sha, Soft or Deep tissue massage, Sports Massage and Dit Da (Chinese Bone Setting/Adjustment).
This is suitable for all individuals regardless of the medical issue. The treatment aims to boosts the immune system by breaking down knots, relieving tension, opening the channels, blockages and increasing blood circulation around the tissue, muscles and organs. Manipulating joints, adjusting vertebrae and re-aligning posture to relieve pain, boost nerve function, allowing the body to recover and naturally strengthen. 


60min Initial assessment & treatment is £45.00*

60min treatments are £45.00*

*£10 deposit is required at booking.

5 x 60min sessions @ £200 - £40/session (save £25)


  • ACUPRESSURE / TUI NA (Massage and stimulating acu-points)​




  • GUA SHA THERAPY (Scraping knots and tension release)


  • DIT DA / TUI NA (Chinese Bone Setting/Chiropractic/Manipulation & Adjustment)







Oriental Therapy Clinic

Stevie B's Gym
Unit B1, 32 Station Rd, Birmingham B27 6DN

Tel: 0121 707 9609

Mob: 07380670390

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